Faz's Crypto Thread


Shrouding yourself in a veil of irony and cynicism is the most sure-fire way to never achieve happiness.

Girl i am not being ironic

Sad narcissism.

The best thing to do is set fishing lines and walk away. Deal with the ones that got a catch and recast the ones that didn't and let nature do it's work. If you sit at the pier all day stressing and waiting for the fish to bite you're gonna only shoot yourself in the foot and end up with a worse result. This way is win win. Better results and more time for yourself and life. Hopefully...

congrats man. hope you can manage to take some profits without degeneratively gambling this money away.

hope u can buy the pizza shop and get ur skin surgery! the future is bright.


Fishing lines here are limit orders for portions of my bankroll. I want to constantly have limit orders moving stuff in and out when there are anomoly days like this. For example I had ltc @ 80 which got filled today and watching the chart and seeing it inch between 93-97 for a few days made me angsty and buy some ltc at 95 because I was psyching myself out with fomo.

What ended up happening... If I sat on my ass and respected the limit order I set 3 weeks ago and stop checking back then the good trades will execute and you then build more good trades to wait for. It's like selling shit in Poe, the price will eventually be good but you need to wait and stop chasing but you can only do that when you manage your risk and don't lock everything into 1 basket.

I just get the sense from how you're posting that you're getting sucked in hard right now and my concern is if you do that, you'll miss your stop and forget to exit the train

didnt agubar make a fortune off meme coins or was that cap?

Think he did just off eth

Guy was a philosophy major or something thank god he made money off of crypto

I took numerous philosophy of aesthetics seminars in college.

He made a boatload off dogwofhat too

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And? What did you learn hahahah? As you know nmagane(jilsen) and i are very interested in the philosophy of aesthetics and how they parallel to world of warcraft characters...

The philosophy of aesthetics (worgen male druid)

Nearing this reality now



Sec spending more taxpayer dollars to lose another lawsuit



