Faz's Crypto Thread

But ive added more and been air dropped like 10k random shit and made a few grand off random dogshit memecoins. Prob like 250-255k principal at this point

Was that everything you had at the time from pizza delivery?

If you made videos about you doing this you'd make additional easy money.

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Its mostly from other big wins on random stocks and algorand during fifa runup

Also cfx from when i schizo posted that earlier last year

You should play poker now it's way more fun than watching line go up or down

If i ever get 8 figures im immediately enrolling myself in therapy for trading/gambling addiction and buying a house in the woods or something

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It is unlikely any of you will see me again

Horoscope manifested

I finally bought socks to replace the same 2 ive been using that have giant holes in them.

This most likely marks the pico top of the financial system in its entirety

Proof of autism

Selling stocks to buy socks.
A bold move.

Update.. its so fucking over bros




Get ready to round trip a million dollars. Diamond hands or full ■■■■■■