Faz's Crypto Thread

Fuck everything about this gay ass illiquid chart

source: trust me bro

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Congrats i have forever identified you as a low iq moron

cmon bro be real with yourself a bunch of crackers on a worthless no-clout podcast talking about "legit" this coin is...?

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You are a moron

idk myabe ur right but that guy is way too enthusiastic about the whole thing he seems legitimately ■■■■■■■■ i wouldnt take financial advice from him that's for sure

either way im not watching 1hr20 min of that shit t o find out if he's ■■■■■■■■ or not

i cant type r3tarded? is this website aj oke?



I pray for a crypto ban every night.


I forgot to buy yesterday. Am I straight Stormy Daniels’ed here? Is it too late?

Nfa dyor

Listen to the 30 hours of shkreli spaces and make the call..

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If you would like to win 99:1 odds vote yes

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Is the baron thing real


People hate shkreli so they cannot form their own opinion though

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Alright I’ll sign up for poly today then……

Normal proven response tbh

Also it depends on when those bets resolve