Faz's Crypto Thread

thats my point. im not acting deterministically because no one could know how the market might behave this cycle

The only thing that I am certain of us that bitcoin will probably go up in the next 10 years

why don't you think at some point there will be a better technology that will replace it?

I think it will be flipped in market cap by something eventually

I doubt there will be another store of value crypto that flips it in our lifetime

Btc maximalists are the worst. It will never be used for day to day transactions

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For now bitcoin is king.

When bitcoin pumps alts stay stable
When bitcoin stays stable alts pump
When bitcoin dumps alts dump harder

You want to own bitcoin spot

with that being said im not sure that you can call eth an altcoin anymore

Another interesting thing is that btc is less than 3% away from its highest ever weekly close and accounting for total money supply bitcoin is way over all time high. I'm not sure it'll struggle with 64k

Retail is largely still uninvolved. Bitcoin Google searches are way below market cycle peaks. Fomo hasn't begun

fomo starts after 64k

News outlets reporting etf approval and simtaneous all time high might be one of the craziest things we will ever see

I honestly think 100k is conservative. Btc is about to be available to traditional investors whose pockets are several tens of trillions of dollars deep

Just wish it wasn't something as fucking useless as bitcoin

i think its fallacious to think that many traditional investors havent touched btc up to this point just because it hasnt been involved in an etf

but i mean you could be right about it hitting 100k idk

A lot of hedge funds are not able to invest in non security assets. Now they will be able to

There's a breakdown I need to find

If you want exposure to btc and have a semi decent graphics card just start mining now and don't stop for 8 years. Don't sell it just let it sit there. You'll probably have like 30k worth in 8 years

I've been mining for 2 months

If btc goes 10x in the next 10 years that's 3k without the other 118 months of mining