Final Warning. *SERIOUS*

This post is marked SERIOUS so no trolling here, please and thanks.

This is the final warning for NAMafia. I am the journalist here and I own the website. You people will show me respect or there will be consequences. (Jenada, Faz, Nyte)

anyone who speaks out against me will have a large piece written about them exposing their true selves.

When are you posting your WoW-related piece? I've heard its been stewing for a while dude

I will do it soon. My resources are being very stretched as it is. Can we get a site-wide countdown timer up? I want everyone to know the exact second it will release.

sounds gay dude

shut the fuck up kyle

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This post is marked SERIOUS so no trolling here, please and thanks.

This is the final warning for NAMafia. I am the master troll ringleader here and I own the website. You people will show me respect or there will be consequences. (Jenada, Faz, Nyte)

anyone who speaks out against me will have a unfortunate Goy Club troll attack about them exposing their true selves.

:rofl::rofl: N1 bigB

What did Nyte do to be included next to me and Faz

That doesn't sound like a threat. I'd like to have a piece written about me

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The Nyte one will probably just be a rehash of the casey incident

What's the casey incident

Every piece I've written about you has been extremely poorly received

Mixing up names, it was Troia not Casey

Still waiting patiently for the Benny piece

I don't believe in kicking a guy while he is down

Every rehash of the troia incident is like a magical visit to willy wanker's chocolate factory and leaves you wanting more and more

I was discussing with someone recently we need to attract more females to NAMafia

A lot of the people here have no idea how to interact with women and are severely socially stunted (klaze, roragok, definitely dotakyle)

I'm thinking what if we collectively sat down and wrote love letters to lure women in

Something like:

To: The Greatest Beauty in All the Lands -

From there, I think the tactic would then be to find 5-viewer twitch streamers and start chatting with them about this great website to market their stream

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Just spitballing here

I was going to say we need to create an opportunity to send the love letter but let's be honest: You dont need any opening to send a love letter. You can just fucking send it at literally any moment