fuck the police general

This owns


Hey Asoul, without googling tell me the number of people killed by police in 2020.

Here, I'll just tell you.



Holy shit


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ye so how many of those do you think are unjustified? america is a large country.

for scale: 900 people are dying per day of coronavirus

Big yikes.

oh my

He could be talking about Italians

I'm pretty sure he's talking about ■■■■■■■

(you can't ban me because you don't know what it censored)

jesus christ

@electrowizard how is the rioting in DC going? Looks like there has been some mild violence.

Only by the police

Tell us what you have been seeing - we need firsthand accounts

Police pepper spraying people at random, throwing people to the ground. Settling and arrests at random with releases without charges the next morning (this never stopped). Not as bad as a couple months ago.

Are the rioters all local to DC? Did you by any chance witness the Rand Paul interaction where he suggested a significant portion of the crowd was flown in on jets and paid to be there?

I have a feeling that every person people are protesting will walk free xD

Lol most are from the DC metro area. And the "out-of-town protestors" argument is nonsensical when it's the fucking capital

Isn't it technically true? You would've had to cross state lines to reach a protest in DC.

Technically doesn't fucking matter. It's the DC-metro area. If you live in DC, you're extremely rich unless you have in Anacostia after decades of gentrification. Plus, the out of town argument doesn't fucking apply to the nation's capital