fuck the police general

I live in the DC area, but im homeless


Technically absolutely matters

If the law wants to know if you traveled interstate to participate in a riot and you technically traveled from Virginia to DC, that answer could make a vast difference based on a minor technicality

The law can suck my dick. The out of state thing is only being peddled to create a narrative that the protestors aren't actually those affected by the this is they're protesting. It has zero fucking relevance to those protesting the nation's capital

No it's relevant because if you travel interstate to break laws or provide support to people who travel interstate to break laws you are breaking federal and not just state law

But that isn't what you were fucking implying, dipshit. The out of state shit is only fucking talked about to construe the aforementioned narrative

What? Why are you swearing? I was asking about your experiences with the DC rioting. Mostly curious to hear what you have seen and what you have been doing personally.

How about you go fuck yourself

I'm good thanks

Want to post some evidence that gender is binary? That HFs aren't minimal risk?

Here, you're clearly implying the protests are illegitimate because people are from out-of-state. Completely irrelevant to DC because most people who work in DC can't afford to live in DC itself and because it's the fucking capital

Nope, I didn't imply any of that. You're just really stupid

Alightsoul, how do you go to sleep when you have to consciously breath?

Are you autistic? You have 0 ability to interpret tone and dont seem able to exist in a conversation where you aren't arguing & insulting people

Lmao the "out-of-state" thing has been used for one reason since George Floyd was killed: discredit that the protests represent the community. Time and time again, it's been proven wrong: DC is the only place where it may have been true because of the unique situation of borders for that region and because it's the fucking nation's capital

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Me: Ask how the riots are going, ask for firsthand accounts since we have someone attending, joke about Rand Paul's out-of-touch comment that protesters have "flown in from out of state" (but then correct that it actually does matter if people travel interstate to commit crimes, it is not an irrelevant technicality)

Electronic Wizard, an intellectual: FUGGG POST HEDGE FUND STATISTICS >:DDD


What does she mean by this?

i think it's fair to take a poll and see what was inferred on average

the important thing being that if you are meaning to imply one thing and often/more often a very different thing is inferred, i should think you would be interested in being informed of the fact so you could begin attempting to restructure your points, to get what you mean to say across more effectively. (in other words, i would think you would be more interested in the feedback than to simply say, "no you're wrong" because anything less means that all this arguing you're doing isn't done to communicate anything deeper than, "no you're wrong")

Nope, you're wrong