fuck the police general

how so

No idea didn't read

Here, try reading this. It's written at a very basic level, so you might get it. But stop spewing shit you don't understand until you educate yourself


But he's wrong and angry


I'm not saying it out of anger: I'm saying it because I'm astounded by the idiocy

Oh. Haha totally okay to assault him because he was expressing different views than you

is someone who is angry necessarily wrong?

I don't care about right or wrong I care that ewiz is immediately insulting someone in awful ways just because that person has a different viewpoint than he does

Ah, yes, it's assault to ask someone what the fuck is wrong with them when they just post nonsense

i think hes nitpicking about the word "axioms".

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Yes. Correct

isnt that what you're doing and have done (to me)?

Very likely but I hate ewiz

His entire post was an insult lmao. Claiming that no one is operating in good faith and we're all just brainwashed? How is that less insulting than asking what the fuck is wrong with him?

its ok ewiz isnt doing anything personal

he is just using a rhetorical tactic to discredit the opposition as he has identified me as the opposition

so you don't care whether people are right or wrong. what do you care about?

Hbotz is a good guy expressing his views and ewiz immediately viciously assaulted him because he might have used a word wrong

My own feelings

No, your entire argument is predicated upon being able to start from your opponent's worldview and still prove that you're right. When there is no logical form and set of priors for their worldview, that is literally impossible