Nyte stop enabling ewiz. It's extremely gross
It's a bunch of made up words that only have context in unbelievably acute contexts strung together to make himself feel smart
Yes, it fucking is. That's the point: Other is capitalized because it's a term made up for a philosophical concept. Same with otherization. They have no meaning outside of that philosophical frame of reference, which is what makes asoul's use of them incoherent and completely wrong
You just did it again dude
i think its probably not made up language but on the internet its hard to distinguish if people actually know what they are talking about or are just making stuff up. thats why i think you should politely say your argument in ways people can understand.
i dont know what the subaltern means. maybe it is my responsibility to google it, but its bad faith to use words you know the opposition doesn't know just to bully them around. words are for communicating.
i'm sad to hear you say that, i don't think you should be deciding that someone is "gross" for not agreeing with you, or accepting your ideas
Nice I got ewiz to hit reply on my message
I'm going to be as bad faith as it takes to piss you off dude
Ian was right I have no shame. I don't really care if I'm right I just care if I piss you off. Don't care how I look in the process
Im town
It's not that my opinions are right. It's that your justifications for your opinions are intrinsically incoherent and can't be resolved. If you want to make your claims, find a new way to back them up
The funny thing is I think cops are bad and the riots are justified
Or do I and I'm just saying that to bait you hahaha
Do I even have real thoughts?
no u
new hbotz guideline: your arguments should be robust to the reply "no u"
have you ever noticed if cops tip you more or less than other people?
That's a perfectly valid opinion and I promise I won't edit the word jew into it
Not sure