At the end of the day i reserve the right to protect myself and family in whatever way i deem best. I dont care government drones at the end of the day someone has to operate that shit and he can bleed just like me and if its unmaned theres someone building it or incontrol of the proudction and i can stop that myself with the right tools so i stay ready. The reality is yes they can run up; on me 5 deep with ars and i wont have much option but im not willing to give up my right because im scared of accidentally shooting myself.
The government is nothing without the populus they know that its obvious what is a government without people to control. A nation cant stand without civilians, and you can either be armed civilians who can reason or willingly disarm yourself and stay obedient because you really think you'll accidentally shoot yourself or die to your own weapon. and you are completely dumb in your understanding of violence and really think the state police will show up when you are confronted with an armed assailant
When the government encourages you to be disarmed they are doing something you will fight them for its obvious.
you really argue against guns because of dumb shit and yet you have police and other people running around with them hammers all day and you too pussy to own one because you might hurt yourself accidentally. im sure they didnt give a fuck about that when they be busting that shit open to save their ass.
You have to know how to fight in life, but you also have to know that other people wont give u a chance so you never wanna give them the upper hand, willingly disarming yourself gives criminals the upper hand.
crime in my fucking city is up.
people got nothing better to do.
a lot of police is standing down because they just work here and arent trying to get into an entanglement no jada pinkett.
you best believe im keeping my life in my own hands and in gods hand. god bless.
If I punch you in the fucking face and your skull collapses because you have a weak skeletal structure because of a calcium deficiency, who's fault is it? Who is held responsible?
i drive 1:20 from the city to pick it up a farm. its worth the 2:40 min trip. my life has done nothing but improve since in health. fitness, and even mental clarity.
Nay, but not for the reasons above. It's because gun control is always created and enforced along racial lines. Look at the NRA lobbying for gun control in CA and Reagan (as governor) passing it. All done because black people were openly carrying to demonstrate they would defend themselves.