Gambling Thread

Unfortunately the only way to make it right is to destroy you from your very core

Damn dude I really hit a nerve what a fucking reaction.

Also unless you're claiming to be asexual then criticizing me for being sexually active and having sexual desires is like you looking into a mirror and flaming yourself.

Also I don't keep a sex journal, I just journal in general about everything but you obviously didn't care about that context because you seem like the type of person who just sees what you wanna see and discards all the other information then draw your conclusions based on partial information to affirm yourself as better like you're somehow above everything and able to criticize when the reality is you're also living in the shit and subsequently smell like shit too but yet you gotta be the person to point to everyone and complain about how much they stink like you're some hilariously godly or good person like a monk or priest or some shit but we all know those mfs are fake as fuck just like you're being right now by implying you don't undergo or experience the same things you're denegrating others for.

Basically, I am saying you're being a hypocrite by flaming me. We should be brothers and friends, not enemies because all of us here are cut from the same cloth. My pain is your pain, your pain is mine that is why we have a bond as degenerate gamers rejected from society.

Justifies insane maladaptive sexual behavior with "b-but everyone is a disgusting freak like me and if they say they aren't they're lying!"

You should consider this: I'm right and you're wrong. Oh wait, you can't -- you're a freak pervert narcissist.

In just more honest about who I am than others which is why the words you hurl at me which affect you and control you because they tap into your shame doesn't work on me, it's like a little grade schooler telling me I'm a really really bad man based on their small world view.

Honestly though, if you're happy with your life who cares. That's all I am trying to accomplish. I did what I did and do what I do because I was and am still plagued.

Going to repurpose this post -- I think it'll work well when I come out as gay. Your writing really evokes the soul of a deeply insecure closeted homosexual.

Yes, I justify being a heathen/deviant with Ameritard "slut shaming" therapy-speak nonsense. In fact, I write about it in my journal. I won't let you shame me for being what I'm comfortable being -- a mentally ill pervert who shouldn't be allowed to roam society unchecked.

Bug chasing is free speech and it's a fucking constitutional violation these escorts want him to cover up

This isn't about judgement. I'm not judging you. This is me making it clear that if you get near me or anyone I care about I will cave your head in because you're a mentally ill pervert. You will be physically removed and be forced to leave for other pastures.

Don't come back to the United States. You aren't welcome here.

Lol :laughing: noted .

NG moved against me today and my BABA i unloaded yesterday climbed today so it's a double loss. If I held the 15 calls for BABA I'd be up at least 4k but instead I took a 2k loss then I decided to double down like an ape on gas hitting a downtrend with winter coming to an end. Therefore I now own 30 puts at 3.15 while gas is trading at 3.55.

The likelihood of the gas tanking 50 cents or more than 15pct is low therefore the options were cheap but still very expensive when you buy 30 of them so let's see how the next 2 weeks plays out because they expire on Feb 25th.

I have decided to not touch crude oil right now. I have no idea anymore how the market is working and what direction things will go. After I lost 2 big bets on crude. I want to wait until it hits a clear direction or extreme again before I try to open a position barring some crazy event happening like the USA invading Iran

all libs do is cheat, they cant play fair cuz they would lose

why bet> I tried to do that I dont have the stomach for it. Dont like gamblign in general. Just going to buy pepsico stocks slowly and hold anything that give dividends

Watching Beast Games.

America needs to be humbled.

Honestly it might make for some really good nostalgiabait nerd poetry. Everyone misses the irc days and might lose it if you print a 2pager that’s like

03:20 a: fuck you ■■■■■■
03:22 b: <link to Lana del ray song>

02:58 a: dota?

“Teamspeak Logs”

Back reads like:

Want to experience counterculture at its core? Delve into a complex, beautiful narrative about the trials and tribulations of life as seen through the lens of a small tribe of “outcasts”, scattered across the world but unified by VOIP. now available on Kindle.

Seems like your expectations and likelihoods consistently aren't coming to fruition when applied to singular events. I wonder if there's any laws or theorems that touch on why this could happen every time until you crash out. You don't have a viable investment strategy, you are playing slots.

Stop overestimating your numeracy, stop gambling. That is what you actually need to seek help with in the short term.

I'm working on building a trade analyzer which will algo rhythmically automate a good portion of the stuff I do manually but also be able to do it on a faster and larger scale which will hopefully improve my accuracy and the number of calls I get correct.

It is betting, but it's not as degenerate as betting everything on black in roulette or something like that. With that said, my style is pretty degenerate and high risk, but I'm still figuring myself out and working on that. It's a process that I am always looking to improve. There's definitely more nuance and causality in the markets versus stuff like the casino being dumb luck and a roll of the dice which you cannot predict.

For example, when Isreal announced they were going to strike back at Iran after Iran launched their rocket attack on Isreal as retaliation for the assassination of the Hamas leader, I went hard buying crude oil because my assumption was that the announcement would result in a price rise due to the increased risk of a disruption to the global oil supply. When Isreal announced they were not going to hit oil sites, I immediately went short because I assumed with the threat to oil diffused, the price would tank.

This was definitely a bet I made, a gamble, but there was more thought and analysis that was based in sound reasoning versus something like saying 'Oh, the wheel hasn't hit red in 5 spins, so let's start betting on red now because I'm sure it will hit soon.'

Both of the situations are bets but I think the former gives me a higher sense of control in the outcome which is why I find it so addicting.

Regarding the stress you get Plasma, I agree it is stressful but now that I don't work a job anymore, I have the capacity to deal with that stress very well. When I was trading part time while working, I was performing decently but it was these tiny moments where I was tired from work or stressed from having too many things happening in my life that I slipped up. Tiny slips result in big consequences later. Such as determining the size of your purchase, stop loss, timing your entry and exit, and so on. Each of these things are decisions that you need to make and the points you decide are the difference between a spectacular trade and a terrible loss despite the same actions being taken.

Gambling, sure, but I'm actually winning unlike at the casino so I will stick with it, and I am also outperforming buy and hold, FOR NOW. I need to work on my risk management because if I end up losing everything then I'm clearly not outperforming the market, but I already pulled out my entire bankroll + profit 2 weeks ago, so I'm trading on pure profit right now, and if I lose everything, I still made like 100% ROI based on what I have banked already.