Game of Thrones 2

this is amazing

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david foster wallace broooooOOOoooo

Game of thrones 2 episode 2 now playing


This dude finna marry a 8 year old

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Im team daemon and corlys fuck this weak ass king

the 2nd episode was a bit a better, still pretty weak

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im a jdance supporter personally

@Tywin why did all the guys 1v1 daemon. why are the archers firing by command when they're shooting at one guy and clearly not trying to conserve ammunition.

also dragons are overpowered and really need a nerf next patch

like how do they fly and breathe fire? seems unfair

The crab king was so hot

too bad he wasn't even a plot point just a storyboard to show cool hair dragon guy doing stuff

I appreciated him for the brief period he was a villain!

More importantly, who was funding him?

bro he didn't have a line of dialogue. the only thing that has happened in 3 episodes is the king's wife and child died and he got remarried and squirted out another kid

You are stupid and dumb if you think nothing happened, lol. Blatant got hate watcher

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