Game of Thrones 2

no you are stupid and dumb if you think something happened lol. blatant fanboy gobbler

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Not a fanboy. Just a fan of good tv.

If i was daemon, i would beat your skull in with my helmet

some of the scenes have been alright but it's mid overall

I wonder delta t between e1 and e10 this season

i shouldn't be here this is the same guy who gushes over top gun

You watched a korean dumb in 360p quality shut up go see it in theaters!!

i got a 1080 version it was just as shite as i expected.

No it wasnf


Was not.

t :omegalul: m cruise

Watch top shots maybe youd like that one

im being an ass a lot of these movies and shows are fine for what they are. at least it's not marvel

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Mfw osiris posts a tv or movie take



BRO that's mfw when jdance posts a media opinion

thats me when i post


thats me

House of Dragon has some disadvantages imo because they're kinda in a lose/lose when it comes to worldbuilding

the first few episodes of GoT had such epic and seamless world building, but HoD has to assume you know the world already and 99% of people watching it have seen game of thrones

so spending time world building for a world everyone already knows about would be boring, so they can either ignore it or awkwardly retcon stuff

and considering that world building is probably the best part of shows like this I don't judge them too harshly, that's a tough position they are in

I am enjoying it so far but I'd like to see more than just the same few rooms over and over, the world feels fucking tiny in comparison to 3 episodes through GoT