[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town: Act 1 [Day Over]

Asian cowboy is lock mad hatter btw

I really can’t haha, good point.


That’s me spitting in your face.

Bazinga is the 3rd party. he wins if he kills town.

Yeah Benny is practically confirmed town at this point.



He is the 3rd party. That's why.

Bazinga is trying to lynch anyone to get his win.

I retract my earlier statement that bazinga is more likely to be scum but I would still rather lynch him as it feels like the safer play overall

benny - hasn’t talked, complete unknown
bazinga - slightly less likely to be scum (took a risk by initiating duel), significantly more likely to be third party

Not anybody, only the two most intolerable players in the game, which has shown very suspicious level of cooperation by auto-townclearing each other every game (except for the game where Benny was scum, and I commented on how the townclear dynamic was gone).

Black Bartholomew, no longer hiding behind his racist false identity of Black Tyrone, throws his body between Nmagane and jdance.

"What the fuck are you doing?!?!?!"

The spectators clamor.

"Don't you guys see?!?!?! Neither of these guys stole the hats. They're just fighting for no fucking reason!"

"How do you know?!?!!"

It didn't matter. Black Bartholomew had sustained deep injuries and out of respect, Nmagane and jdance stopped slapping each other.

"L-lets find the real hat thief, boys," Black Bartholomew sputtered, choking on his own blood.

Nmagane, jdance, and LuckyArtist may not duel today. Nmagane and jdance will be eligible to duel once again tomorrow. LuckyArtist will die at the end of this day phase

You know, it doesn’t even make much sense for Bazinga to make this duel in terms of achieving his win condition, because he obviously has no read on Benny and can’t make any judgment about whether this duel will make him win. But I still can’t see this play out of anything besides a Lost Hatter that doesn’t know how the fuck to play off his role.

From the crowd, Steve steps up, calling out big-benny.

bazingaboy and big-benny are now dueling. Vote between them. 8 is majority

This doesn’t make any sense


As a complete oversight, I failed to include the factional kill in the Mad Hatter Role PM.

Mad Hatters do indeed have a nightkill. This is intended as part of the game balance.

Do we gotta revote?
lynch bazinga

I highly doubt it

You’re probably right, but @iaafr can we get clarification on this? The idea of Bazinga+Benny+Stove all dying D1 is slightly arousing.