[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town: Act 1 [Day Over]


The duels that were not selected through rand are not considered queued. If somebody cancels the current duel via Sacrifical Ceasefire, the next issued duel will be the duel for the day.

This is not the set phrase for using Sacrificial Ceasefire and will not be considered an attempt to use it.

So youā€™re serious about scumreading LBJ for that post? Because heā€™s made similar shitposts as both alignments previously.

Whatā€™s crackin niggas. Black Tyrone here.

Niggas out here thinkin Iā€™m sus and shit forgot real quick that itā€™s been ME wheelin and dealin to all you motherfuckers since I got into town. Shit my niggas back in Oakland were right, white folk always gonna look at you and they gonna see nothin but a nigga.

But I ainā€™t got time for all that philosophical mumbl jumbo Iā€™m just tryna get my hat back. And I know someone here stole that shit. High key Im feeling that rora is sus af but Iā€™ll let him slide for now. Also ewiz stop actin like a dumbass before I call up the squad and we run 12 deep up yo bitchass.

I do got a question for nma tho, why you entering this meeting beefing with Danny boy. Yo concentrated effort to keep lil danny down in these games is some buster shit

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lmao well if someone has to die then halting duels are bad, making duels before everyones even posted sucks and is game throwing, and asking people to die for your duels is scummy/bad play.

anyways Ring A Ding Ding Dong here, you sound like somebody I donā€™t want my kids around Black Tyrone. Is there any chance that when this debacle is over, you could move out of town? My propertyā€™s value is dropping faster than a hat on Uranus

Whatā€™s crackin niggas. Black Tyrone here.

Sure Ring a ding a ling, I can move out the moment your kids stop coming around my house asking to buy blow and your wife stops coming around my house asking to suck my dick. But we both know neither of those things are happening any time soon.

inb4 people think making shit duels to get picked out of RNG is a good towntell, when it's probably a chance worth taking when youre scum so atleast you look like youre not afraid to die for the :hat: cause

((Isnā€™t there a rule about reactions in mafia or did that get nixed))

anyways im pretty sure were just barking up the wrong trees by targeting whoevers talking. Besides Tyrone (and itā€™s probably because heā€™s Black Tyrone) there doesnā€™t seem to be anyone overtly scummy besides ewiz, who looks like hes trying really hard to make someone kill themselves lol

lynch jdance

And Roragok who appears to want his hat back but seems to act like heā€™s had his all along.

It is a towntell actually, given the huge amount of players this game. Scum can win the game without ever being in the voting pool, potentially.

Fuck you I need my hat you retard

Iā€™d rather play with nmagane then jdance. So I voted jdance.

Iā€™ve marked posts I find suspicious with hats.

Thereā€™s only a couple of players I can see queuing their duel as scum. Nmagane is one of them. Jdance is kind of a wild card as well, but I donā€™t think itā€™s as likely as with Nma.

epok can react but nobody else :/

wait is that true? I added the code to all skins lol

Figured roragok removed it on all of em cuz people wanted to play and react

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