[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

If town won this game this Shitshow would still happen by the way - there’s no way avoiding it. People naturally try to deny defeat and will jump to “Cheater!” if given any opportunity that’s socially acceptable.
It’s natural behavior. Look at Children playing Nintendo games.

i agree. it was looking probable that nma would vote wrong, even if you had voted right.

still should do due diligence and try to vote right for the postgame glory imo

Yes we could have killed the benny d1

Then vote No. Obviously nearly everyone’s fine with playing with one of them.

I wouldn’t have.

In fact I’m pretty fucking sure that’s nmas argument every single game especially directed at klaze.

No it’s not.

Well played @Roragok and @Nmagane you both played the best on town.

Here’s the problem with your reasoning here and why I think you shouldn’t get upset that I’m countering you. I was reading Nmagane as town, I see reason to suspect Benny but they are both townclearing each other. If I suspect Benny I will be subjected to constantly mental agony all game while they pile on top of me.

No, I was very ready to let you guys know I was happy with how you approached playing town that game. You two are basically kyles at this point lol, why even bother humoring you being a positive town player if it means that one of you guys prolly rolled scum lol

i understand; i’ve similarly played suboptimally out of fear of the shitstorm ensuing from contradicting a loud town’s confident reads.

still think it’s correct to try.

You’ve made the cheating calls whether or not one of us is mafia.

at the very least in f5 if not earlier


You have said the same Cheater crybaby garbage in games we were both town. Your excuse for losing this game has no footing.

I did get tricked by benny - but Epok and co. got tricked by themselves.

Klaze likes to brag about his correct lynch records. He was using it this game to call Nmagane scum. The problem with that argument is that Klaze could also be scum. You can’t use skill as a reason for being town.

Klaze just said that his “lynch day 1 was on mafia” - he’s completely insane.

Sure you got tricked by benny, whatever you say. I’ll just continue to sign games you’re not both in.

Continue? You’ve said that about a dozen times before!