[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

@dan thanks for the edit but that wasn’t his name

Deepthroat played like shit.

deepthroat almost fulfilled his wincon despite not being there all of d1 and most of d2 to try to towntell more than his potential targets

but that’d be results oriented thinking

he played like shit yes. cuz he didnt have time.

He sucks

you suck dude

mafia is like not that that hard of a game to figure out how to improve and yet

it feels like you’re just defaulted to sucking the same amount every game as town and hoping for a PR or mafia rand

where you’ll probably suck too despite being motivated

because you dont take the time to figure out what’s actually towny or scummy

My mafia winrate would be 100% but as I already stated I’m done praying for a 10% chance of having fun .

Don’t talk to jdance like that

I really don't like this.

I think any attempt at calling something “towny” or “scummy” out of Game-Context is not very good.

the issue is that i haven't seen him put effort towards developing any framework for calling things towny or scummy in game context

i don't understand his reasons for any reads and he doesn't seem to have any drive to discuss them or improve his thinking

Just saw this post. I did realize, but when you said 100% later that day I dropped that suspicion. That was clearly wrong of me to do.

I think at that point I had already come to the PoE conclusion that benny was town - but of course, 100% is just a figure of speech. It’s all good - you played fine.

You can’t fully blame him - he’s brand new. He’ll find his way I think even if it’s not immediate and direct improvement.
You can’t really Guide him to learn and do certain things or he would end up Unskilled but seeming like he is (like other players on this site).

100% was not a figure of speech in that game for you, we had an entire discussion about how one should never fully townclear a player which you called me a bad player for saying.

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I admit, I had a ton of fun that game and love to act scummy. I’m glad you were still able to correctly read me.

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yeah just looking out for My Peepole

It is a figure of speech indicating being confident in the read and that I am not going to prioritize changing it any time soon.

I really don’t understand how so many of you guys read everything so literally.

my issue here is i legitimately think jdance himself has expressed that he has no motivation to improve and he’s just signing games hoping for a mafia rand

he posts to amuse himself and not to play the game when he rolls vt

it’s entirely a problem of attitude; i wouldn’t be frustrated if he sucked every game despite trying, i just dont think he legitimately tries.

That is the case for many of the active players as well.