[GAME] The Fall of Tinsel Town Act 2-5

Na I think around post #70 on d1 i posted one time

So you believe going off Nma's "100% townclears" and taking his reads as objective facts is our best way to win this game?

Scummy ass post.

Given that we normally would have at least another day, I’m fine going along with the most vocal in a game to get information.

This is truly incredible.


Given that stove could have feasibly been zeused at this point, it isn’t that miraculous to me.

Called out people for scum in previous games doing exactly that. You think you know iron stove so well?

(I’ve never played with him, myself)

Yes they are the best way.
Also for the record matty I did say that Yns is not 100% clear but very likely.

The fact that you removed ironstove from the list proves that you’re just blindly sheeping Nmagane which is unusual for you and very scummy

I can’t believe what’s going on here with the whole “Nma 100% cleared stove before he made a single post” thing. One of the people discussing this has to be mafia and it’s most likely Claze.

I believe iron stove was referring to meta reading because people DIDNT get zeused… more likely to have a bad affect when you Zeus scum don’t you think?

So a scum was almost zeused twice?

You did. Then you realized your mistake and went “I was just pretending to be retarded!”, everyone can see that.


… maybe? But probably at least once?

A true argument artisan Klaze - very logical and sound.


You’ve been more tunneled than nma by the way. It shouldn’t be that difficult to understand why I’d side with nma even if I think he could possibly be scum.