[GAME] Theatrical Performance


The only person yet to post is Ian

I will give him 10 minutes before I decide he is scum

As the judge jury and executioner those who sheep me will be given town clears and those who do not will be lynched

I told him the thread with was up - he said he would engage when he is no longer busy

Tell him he is one away from hammer

I lost $700 on Friday with options I woke up today and was back up

Like I never lost a penny


From one call

You can’t interact with people about the mafia game or in ways tangentially related to the mafia game outside of the thread

It’s inappropriate for you to tell him to engage in the thread

And it’s inappropriate for him to message rose about the thread

Shut up bitch

This is all that I said, loser

And rose is drunk her entire life, if he did remind her she would not show up.

Winter mute is being a little bitch

Did not remind her****

I hope the audience reacts appropriately to this bitch made behavior from alightsoul and lynches big Benny

I will be ONLY lynching big Benny until he is killed or lynched

İf you think we are cheating: remember that I falsely flagged Ian as mafia and had to literally use my super power on him to make sure he wasn’t the bad guy

you’re cheating and will be lynched or zues’d unless you sheep me fool

We can have a moderator join our discord chat and verify that in the chat logs, if he or she would like to.