
@mafiabot host

@mafiabot slist

Signed Players

Sign the Fuck up you cucks

starts tomorrow or saturday

@mafiabot sign

@mafiabot sign

good luck I don't really feel like playing a 5man

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@bazingaboy @KrazyKat you won last game so you get 200 randomlettersnumbersandsymbols to spend on what kind of setup you'd like to see

they're hashes sir

@mafiabot add @big_ass

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@mafiabot sign

@mafiabot sign

@mafiabot sign

you can spend randomlettersnumbersandsymbols hashtagtm to recommend a setup near closing time

@mafiabot unsign

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@kat sign pls

the money goes inside of the hash sir

just send me your randomlettersnumbersandsymbols and ill send you the shibedogecummuskrocketbootywongcoin

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wish my gf would take classic wow seriously