Gamers Thread

oh yeah that would make it impossible

i wouldn’t say it’s worth unless you want something that’s kind of like a second job (and i know you’re seeing someone).

however if you’re unemployed and recently moved back home… HELL YA AUTISM ME UP

oh yeah i’ve never used a controller either so rip

what i will say is this:

whats great about melee is comeptition is fun at lower levels.

unlike dota where ur not really competing to win or even do well in any sort of tourney until you are at least like broodstar/kzz/pub star level in melee there are generally local tournaments where mid level players can compete against each other and still like see progression and have a chance of doing well/getting streamed/ect

also it being largely in person tourneys vs online makes it a lot less lonely to grind.

they did some really big changes so now basically the people who have all the capital control all of that capital, all the valuable space, and all the valuable rocks

i do think tho if youve never played a fighitng game/with controllers its gonna be super inaccessible tho

its the hardest game ive ever played i think.

Well maybe i could just get really good at using a keyboard to play.

there are people who do that some of them are really fucking good

thats the fun part of AFPS is for me is the community. i organized a noobie tournament, and practiced with basically everyone who signed up, and knew all the players in the matches, and their playstyles. i guess the hardest game i’ve ever played would be reflex (CPMA clone)

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theres this guy named lord who uses a keyboard exclusively now and hes way better than ill ever be

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yeah i htink hte main bummer about league and dota (well ive never played leauge im just assuming) is that you can be reallly god but if ur not like top 100 in the world good ur not gonna really have a serious competitive life outside of ranked matchmaking and maybe inhouse leagues.

in melee im thoroughly mid level but still go to tourneys where i can make it in hte money and see my improvement relative to players more around my skill level

yeah for competitive games like that, it’s definitely important to have divisions, especially if you’re doing a local/community tournament otherwise u have 1 guy show up every week to collect his free money

the bad part (well its bad/good) of melee is that its 17 years old and has never been patched so like for the first 1-3 or even more years youre going to be trash in the grand scheme of things. There are no ‘out of no where’ top 10 players really.

like recently a guy named zain broke into top 10 and hes considered new cuz hes ‘only’ been playing for like 5 years.

one interesting thing i’ve noticed is taht grubby is uploading all of his recent games (i think he streams wc3 almost daily now) to youtube, and they get 25k within the first day.

wc3r to be YUGE?

i love wc3 but ive never been good enough ot know if its bad at a high level or not.

isn’t it like really imbalanced at hte top level or something?

plus frozen throne numbers have been going up since the announcement /bnet fixes, and balance chances by a lot

I remember that one race is just Not good - but i dont remember which.
but blizzard are now releasing balance patches so who knows anymore…

there’s race imbalance at top level but i mean if you have moon vs grubby ur not watching NE vs human - you’re watching moon vs grubby, and you know the better player is going to win. I wouldn’t worry about the very top level anyway - they are doing rebalances to wc3 since several months ago (mountain giants nerf, etc)

i think it was undead
