GranDGranT Gone

I don’t know what kind of drugs. I was under the impression weed/edibles but potentially other stuff. Coke is almost always mentioned or hinted at here and there, at these events. Sometimes molly.

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Grant got wild and had issues but I said to Corey that I find it hard to believe he drugged her.

I considered him like a friend/aquintance. We weren't really close but would text to meet up at events. I hosted c Lister events got drunk a lot. So idk, I forgot about the falcon punch.

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id bet good money they both got insanely drunk, but grant being a legit alcoholic didnt black out. her entire story is generic and super dramatic.

throw in them both being degenerates and you get stupid drunk sex where one is trying to farm attention.

think how easy it would be for any women to trash grant. hes known as a degenerate by everyone. its why this story is the biggest.

like casey said... we all know hes a shitter. don't really agree with forming my opinion solely on that, but still.

seems like 90% of the people commenting on reddit have never blacked out even once. her story alone just reeks of blacking out.

i feel like you can always tell when a girls blacked out and like most normal humans have moral compass when it comes to how you treat intoxicated people.

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Right and it's still wrong to sleep with her in that situation and he's still an ass for many other reasons but it's not as clear cut as the secondhand twitter story and reddit rage would have you believe

pretttttttttttttty sure date rate drugs dont let you party all night til who the fuck knows and function like a normal person.

the whole date rape thing only exists because she "cant remember". meanwhile she was heavily drinking all night then some how its concluded she was drugged????

every time i've blacked out its almost what she described. you down a fuck ton of alcohol all at once and bam youre not remembering the rest of the night. it specifically reminds me of my first time blacking out by chugging a full dixie cup of vodka all at once at bachelor party.

i've been around way more extreme degenerate alcoholic/heroin/coke addicts. i never heard of any date rape drugs at any party i was ever at. if there were itd be from them.

so i really doubt grant had any. especially since i haven't read ONE account of anyone seeing anything suspect with him tampering with a drink.

all of reddit just reads of actual sheltered virgins.

the whole morality behind having sex with a drunk person is whatever. why would grant be more wrong if she was black out drunk? im sure grant was fucking shit faced too. its a moot point really because most people are seeing this entire story as grant being a drugger and her being some innocent girl from suburbia that got taken advantage of when she met all her "dota celebs" from twitch.

Like I said I doubt it.

I was there. He was drunk, we all were. Week at least from my pov. Enjoyed that shitty club/bar near MARQUEEN

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alcohol is the most common date rape drug by a very large margin. it's very potent and synergizes really poorly with a lot of common antidepressants and anti-anxiety mediations. i dont think any of us really believe it was GHB but that doesnt make it okay.

Alcohol should be illegal

It's shitty but I feel everyone thinks on reddit he drugged her and was sober. I find it more likely they both just blacked out. He was pretty out of control and I didn't know her much.

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It's interesting how @nyte will give her take here and then cry about how whoever this phantom that was asleep in the bed next to them hasn't taken to Twitter to give the other side of the story.

It's so fucking typical for people today to be upset about something and then expect someone else to come along and clean up the mess for them.

How bout you show some courage and post your account on reddit or if you don't feel comfortable have @anon82208883 make a wicked cosplay reddit account to ghost write it for you.

yeah reads like a pretty standard story of 2 very drunk people having sex. when the man regrets it the next morning his buddies shit on him for it, he laughs it off and moves on. when the woman regrets it the next morning, her friends shit on her for it, she just claims it wasn't consensual and all of a sudden she goes from a dumbfuck who made a bad decision to a victim.

RIP grant's career, one of the last real 1s left in this cesspool known as the (((dota scene)))

nyte's view is still very much an outsider's picture

None of us were there(?) after the bar so we don't really know what happened and are just going off the information we have been given. We're just trying to figure out for ourselves what actually happened based on our experiences with the both of them that night. To my knowledge, she didn't appear to show any signs of distress or be in any danger. It's difficult to say for sure though because a lot of us had just met her for the first time and we didn't really have any previous experience to go off with her, but we did with Grant. In regards to her spacey behavior, there could be a lot of reasons to explain that. She could have just been really tired from watching dota all day long or jet lagged from a long trip, or maybe she was drunk or had taken something or was given something, or had social anxiety, idk. There's plenty of reasons but my point being, from our perspective, her behavior was strange, but she seemed calm, and wasn't bothering anyone, and no one was harassing her while we were all there to my knowledge. After a while she seemed to relax a bit when someone handed her a controller and she started playing super smash and started to interact more. Nyte knows more about what happened at the bar than I do. I was more preoccupied so I had more blind spots during that part of the night.


So what? It's illuminating and completely changed my appraisal of the situation.

What exactly are you trying to showcase? I’m saying that I have a perspective but it’s still limited to whatever happened before the bedroom. According to her, there was someone potentially present when they arrived back at the hotel, because they stayed overnight in the room as well.

Are you implying that my perspective of the events earlier in the evening changes the situation?

yes, I had to take Canceling Law last semester. Thank god my school went mandatory pass/fail too.

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Yes it does.

Her story reads like the whole time she's some unwitting accomplice that got dragged into something she wanted no part in, but your story (while it's somewhat limited) refutes that quite a bit.