Hey guys what’s up?
Add me on steam if you do
We already are friends on steam ya dingus.
tfw no big titty trad cath gf
Real Intel?
Now we just need legato
Grant is never getting uncancelled, his self-cancellelation gives the impression that he knew there's more shit coming down the pipeline . That being said, it's very fun watching /r/dota2 redditors develop moral whiplash in real-time from having to deal with real life for the first 20 minutes of their lives.
So I guess since this got linked on reddit (where I found this) I can’t say the Ti4 girls name
I did see Purges video where he talks about his experiences with “dota harassment” , aka people not liking his content and voicing that opinion - and a story of a certain someone speaking loudly at day9 from a balcony at ti2 because he was with a girl and then purge confronting the bullies. What a brave soul
I've heard expert testimony in court to that effect?
I heard the makeup lady smiled at him and then told him she loved his dota videos
Can you elaborate on the falcon punch and also tell me who has the ti3 nadota house footage
What do you know about the ti4 girl, really? (Besides her name)
Falcon punch. Grant walks in just punches solace's drink in my hotel room ti4. Night of incident.
Footage from ti3? Unclear I went to the house a couple times but didn't stay with Corey/spit/grant/videoguy(dunno his name lover something) and others.
Probably solace or that guy. I took a pic or two
Mostly just the name and some other things like people she talked to and hung out with. But not saying more in public
Justin maut Ian shake
There is a backroom version of the thread
idk the falcon punch. i had the gopro at ti3, but there was never house footage