Thank you based slowdive
habitable and inhabitable mean the same thing lol
i think you're thinking of uninhabitable
How can two diff words mean the same
Let's refocus on grant being sketchy
Also found in: Thesaurus, Wikipedia.
v. inĀ·habĀ·itĀ·ed , inĀ·habĀ·itĀ·ing , inĀ·habĀ·its
v. tr.
1. To live or reside in: Dinosaurs inhabited the earth millions of years ago.
2. To be present in; fill: Old childhood memories inhabit the attic.
v. intr. Archaic
To dwell.
Weird, habitable made more sense to me too. Looks like your learn something new everyday.
i don't know english is fucking stupid
Didn't they meet up with us? I don't recall much, but I distinctly remember them being pretty involved with each other.
LMFAO no no no. That's not needed. I already know it was pretty scummy (not illegal tho). I was pretty bored at that time, so I'm gonna fall on that shit excuse lol.
WELL WELL WELL... people are still keeping alive? lol
Saw this link in a reddit post that I was apparently mentioned in (sweet shoutout. ty).
Pretty much have the same perspective as Nyte, as one of the few witnesses to this event. I had some issues with ā ā ā ā ā ā ā ā from the moment I met her (something about her grungy appearance/attitude), but this is some crazy stuff. No indications from my POV that Grant sexually assaulted/raped her.
long time no see milkshake lol
whatd i do
and you're welcome
hey Casey <3. I deleted my Twitter, so we can't talk there anymore ):
i tried to respond to your "should i delete my twitter" tweet but you were gone within a literal 60 seconds
dude remove her name
We on it
you probably don't realize it but from your post alone it's painfully obvious how biased you are for grant
If you want to call believing a man is innocent until some evidence proves otherwise, then sure. As of right now you have an extremely empty recount by ā ā ā ā ā ā . And then you have several witnesses (with honestly no allegiance to either) that suggest it's unlikely that she was raped. So because of my moral compass, I have to believe he is innocent for now.
Call it biased if you want, but I think that's an immature statement.
Also, I feel no obligation to "remove her name", because she publicly posted on Twitter with nearly the exact same story as the "anonymous" one that came out a day later. She outed herself, so I'll stick with what's already been exposed.
I'm sorry, but this one is actually funny
haha yeah, I realized as soon as I typed it that I should just do it. I wanted to get away from this ridiculous drama. I only came here because I heard I got a shoutout on Reddit, and then I was surprised there's still some semblance of NADota around (outside of the sweet guild Haxity and Vitamin are running).