grant really just out here raping bitches man... that’s crazy
Reddit really just out here can’t believe that some dota nerd would rape a bitch man..
I agree with Vilat
ya’ll really just out here trying to get all the details and shit about some dude who clearly took advantage of a bitch and basically raped her like naw I don’t need to hear all this extra shit I’ve never been accused of rape because I’m not out here getting bitches black out drunk and fucking them
can we ban all the 2020ers
Probably a lot of what people are trying to say is being lost on me (sorry!) but there seems to be some people being rational here -- in the sense of not automatically throwing either the accuser or accusee under a bus -- and I want to say thanks for that.
Most of what I've seen on reddit is "___ person should die horribly" or "___ person is a liar", which was, to put it nicely, not painting a good picture of the community, in a way other than harassment, abuse, pressure, rape (and things I am likely forgetting, sorry) also don't paint a good picture of the community.
On somewhat of a tangent... A lot of what I see being suggested on twitter and reddit and twitch seems to be along the lines of speaking up more and kicking people out of the community, but I don't really think that will really do much to make the community a better place... (I could be wrong). It might be useful to think about community-level things as well, like handing out pamphlets or throwing some informational videos into ads -- things that can educate/empower women and men.
Regrettably haven't proofread, sorry for typos
Difference might be that inhabit is a verb and habitable maybe an adjective or noun? (I notice that inhabitable isn't part of "inhabit... in·hab·it·ed , in·hab·it·ing , in·hab·its"
idk. English is hard
I might've been beaten to the punch but...
Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word.
are you a redditor?
reads like a goy cosplaying a redditor
"Empty" isn't a good word for that recounting at all. It's quite rich with detail and emotion. Even if you don't believe Grant drugged her and assaulted her, you have to admit, that story is real and unembellished.
We saw what the perpetrator did. He apologised for hurting people and left the scene (before everything even started), and has been silent ever since. It's not like he's been unable to talk about it from his perspective. He just hasn't.
Looks like maf behaviour to me, pretty sure he flips red.
I'm done soon, but I'll give you a moment of my time.
Her recount does have some detailed information. Unfortunately, it has nothing that definitively proves Grant raped her.
Also, he apologized for a sexual assault incident that is not even close to the level of the rape accusation. He isn't speaking because it isn't in his favor to do so. He should stay silent and hire a lawyer. Ever heard of the 5th Amendment? This is along those lines. Speaking out would almost certainly make things worse for him, regardless if he's innocent or guilty. Stop presuming silence equals guilt.
how in the fuck are you god damn fucks not capitalising on this shit at 4k what in the fuck is wrong with you stupid fucks?>
That is NOT fucking #plasma
Condoms you fucks, promote condoms
If you get accused of rape and have a lynchmob coming after you, do you
a) say some shit that can get twisted and taken out of context
b) shut the fuck up, lay low, hire a lawyer
Honestly, if I got accused of rape wrongfully, I would be physically unable to shut the fuck up about it.
remind me to never touch an e-girl
Here are some potential outcomes if you do that:
- People believe you, and you're vindicated! Great!
- No one believes you because they've predetermined you're a lying, evil person.
- You say something that can be misconstrued, and now you're extremely fucked.
Innocent? Doesn't matter if a lawyer can make you out to be guilty to a jury.
Best to let professionals handle everything so the truth is most likely to come out.
Let's go back to your presumed guilt of him. After reading EVERYTHING regarding the situation, do you have a reasonable doubt that Grant did it? Even the slightest reasonable doubt that it occurred? In a criminal lawsuit, that would result in acquittal. And I think any reasonable person would have some doubts of the incident.