GranDGranT Gone

Damn Casey. If you were a woman, I'd propose right now. lmao.

you havent thought about this much i guess. or haven't done enough reading/research. grant was employed by EG. I'd go so far as saying EG probably threatened legal action against grant if he didn't stfu immediately

Hell maybe they DID threaten legal action against grant and he's lawyered up as we speak.

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"Professionals"? "Wait for the truth to come out"?

You realise most sexual assaults go unreported because the legal system is absolutely useless about it, right?

Cancel culture, for all its flaws, is leagues closer to justice than the justice system.

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Not sure where you're pulling that information from. Sounds like an unreliable claim at best.

Okay, I'm done with ya. You clearly struggle with deductive reasoning.


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You're living with your head in a hole if you think cops do anything about rape except in the most absolutely clear-cut cases. And sometimes not even then.

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Cancel culture is a sickening side-product of the 24 hour news cycle and constant connectivity. Please go observe half the personalities in the scene just going with the flow and posting whatever the fuck the reddit mob seems to favor on that given day with complete confidence, potentially going full 180 the next day, and come back and tell me that's justice

Beats the police.

Forrest I owe you an apology

still miss kfc, brood and kzz tho


huh? what for?

In the well-documented brutality cases of course. The other 99.5% of the time? Nope.

witch hunts PogChamp

hi forrest-chan


hey phillip xoxo :kissing_heart:


Papa Johns

wanna come to the beach with me this weekend