send me the front and back of your insurance card and your dob I’ll run it and if it’s good you need to download signal and communicate with me further on that app
/r/dota2 is being brigaded by people who are not from the DOTA 2 community and have flooded in from hate subs including /r/thedonald, KIA (aka the Gamergate forum) and MGTOW - where men go their own way by constantly hanging around women and being annoying.
People I trust have informed me that Reddit mods have investigated and confirmed this is true.
Imo this is just dumb. It's pretending like
the people saying "Wait, this is unreasonable to call sing sing and zyori rapists" etc are women haters
the actual women haters in the threads aren't just, you know, women haters in our own community. because it's not like dota community has any of those
sounds like Launders got put through a horrible situation. He's a really great guy in the CS scene, makes really good content, super respectful, good caster, good host, good player, good streamer.
He was literally raped by his girlfriend multiple times, while crying and asking her to stop. Then she ordered him to get therapy or she would report HIM to the police. Idk it's highly disturbing and I don't wanna dig any further.
But there you go guys, here is a woman being truly disgusting on twitter. Have at it. Just please understand that this doesn't mean literally all women on twitter are lying, or the fact they're all coming forward now means they're lying. Strength in numbers is a real thing and makes it easier to come forward about stuff.
Tbh people are saying "it's just a personal vendetta, not a real harassment case" but personally I feel
redeye always seemed like a dick
it's a perfect example of the systemic flaws I described - he's able to do this because people keep hiring him and sweep his awful personality under the rug. Whether someone's sexually assaulting, racist or homophobic, or just generally an asshole, just stop hiring that person and stop putting them in positions where other people are subjected to their assholishness.
I still remember when RedEye showed up in the Dota scene. He came out of nowhere, knew nothing about Dota, and really had no business being the figurehead of a dota event. Then you learn that behind the scene this dude was shouting at staff, would blacklist other casters if he didn't like them, just a general diva. Really terrible decision making by Valve
In other news reddit mods deleted the CIS caster stuff and some other posts which pointed out how some of the accusations were very not legit (like the Zyori and Singsing stuff). Now reddit is mad