GranDGranT Gone

Personally, my favorite streamer is/was method Josh

No one knows but he got perma banned from twitch and twitch recently said they are going back thru the files to re-evaluate all claims and allegations vs streamers so it’s easy to put 2 and 2 together

She is (or was) Wagamama's gf.

thats a name i haven't heard in a while.

streaming dota is dead

money store 10/10


death grips was def one of the best shows i got to see


Sheever is boss

Sheever isn't that great as a caster, but I do like her pre-game analysis on the panel and her interviews.

6 ft raid boss maybe

yeah i meant in that hosting role. she really good at it

not awkward or jarring like many others, comes across as genuine

imho swindlemellonzz is really good at what he does too

Why is she a good host?

She's not good at playing off the other panelists.
She's not hype.
She's not funny.
She's not charismatic


why is “hype” important for a host? their job is just to transition between scenes and make production smooth ie. fill time if needed. she can do that

i disagree, she is fine w. other panelista
i disagree. she can be funny, its just not forced. she focuses more on being genuine, relaxed, and un awkward. i like that in host

Yeah. She asks the right questions, then lets the rest of the panel do most of the talking.
But to get them talking about the important things, you have to start with asking the right questions.

Winkieduck is nicer in person than he is in game.

I listen to death grips all the time it’s probably my fav band

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Yns hook me up with a job. Thanks.

I feel like I'm just going to get mad if I read this. Is it even worth going down another rabbit hole?

shouldn't have read it
