Hearts of Iron 4

me and the boys dominating the Atlantic

sweden coming for those cheeks

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i haven't kept too up to date but japan is op in vanilla and was widely regarded as even more busted in kr because they have even fewer enemies poised to stop them

they start with a lot of military factories and a headstart in tech iirc

one of the problems is china has a hard time getting guns/support equipment from anyone because the USA is typically a dumpster fire. i only played japan once in kr and it was a breeze iirc no one can stop you in asia. i much prefer the random 2nd rate or civil war bound countries to make things interesting early

have you tried kaiserreich yet?

not yet, meaning to

i find it more entertaining than vanilla, especially historical vanilla, but maybe that's because i have less hours into it

i havent once played a historical game and never will, i like to make my own fun this way and i think it's a way more fun and replayable experience

i leave all on random then just pick like 2 people to be maybe potential allys and 2 people to be the antagonist and make them quite strong. like giving a hitler germany mosley english manually, etc

then you'll enjoy kaiserreich immensely. even just the american civil war makes the world very different

thats sick, I will for sure be checking it out soon

yea american, russian, and spanish civil wars all happen in game so it makes the world much more volatile

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i just find all the aternate lore overwhelming, theres soooo much even for the minorest minors

i feel like gotta get a phd in kr before i can play it

just yolodive in there the mechanics are the same at least when i played

the world is more of a shitshow for sure though with 3+ international groups forming most of the time