help please

Figured ud have more faith in the system

Rehabs are dumb dude

Wait what exactly are you

What do you mean

I thought u worked in a rehab facility or something

I do

Guess I m sad figuring ud stand by the cure u push or something

I’m telling you to go to meetings not rehab you idiot

Unless ur just in it to tell them their SOs are junkie whores so u can get off in the bathroom

I do their medications not their treatment plan buddy

Someone here definitely told me I need rehab thought it was u

When u going to a party

U going out this weekend?

They still have them I just chill in my side apartment or play vidgames and say no I’m good a lot

Might walk to 711

Why don’t you go out and socialize with people

Because I don’t rly like them

Not the people you live with or whatever like go outside your house and go socialize with others in ways that don’t involve drugs

Resigned myself to not having as much fun in instant gratification…I’m getting over it

Oh I don’t have friends in NY who don’t do drugs I could meet people I wanted to join a chess club like I had in Seattle but there aren’t rly any on LI