how do I get good at Dota

I’m like a 3k shitter trying to get good how do I get good??

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Why are you trying to get good? Serious question.

Yikes take a hike you kike

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Just play what you think makes sense and then If it doesnt Work Out try something else. And stick to what you planed to do. Dont rush stupid fights because your team pings you. You can win games solo.

I watch the minimap 50%+ while playing dota to see where to farm/gank/push. thats also a huge part. If you get a feeling where to be at the right time you will win games.

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Muting Chat is also a big help for me personally but idk if thats fun for you

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u dont, dota skill is purely genetic



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big quotevote from me dawg

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I’m sorry if I came off wrong, I wasn’t trying to insult you or make a joke.

what are the meta offlane heroes of this patch? I play mostly offlane recently even tho I played mid for a majority of the time I’m just getting back into playing Dota so I haven’t played in forever. I’ve been playing shit like slardar/nyx offlane or Mirana offlane with decent success

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Axe, earthshaker beastmaster are good and pangolier if you can play it

I’ve never played pango or any of the new heroes actually and I’m terrible with axe. Earth shaker I can play. What’s the build? Arcanes into blink then run around shitting on kids or just straight brown boots into blink run around smacking nig nogs?

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tranqs soul ring + clarities probs better than arcanes

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I like playing offlanes where I just get levels and a quick blink and run around the map and shit on kids I think you’re right though that does sound better than going arcanes

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With tranquil+soul ring+clarities u could prolly farm the offlane jungle faster right and not worry about ur hp

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Yea i always thought its aight without soulring but its actually Not. You are way too slow without soulring. I usually go treads and 1-4-4 build to solokill a lot max 3rd first and then second

if you go treads i think bottle is actually good

i think treads bottle was kzzs build back when he played a lot of shaker so its probably good

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Wtf do I do as a solo offlane vs cm and spec though

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Don’t pick bad heroes lol. But seriously - stop wasting time on DotA solo ranked.

Suck my little tiny dick put it in your fucking kike sand digger ass

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