How's your DotA going?

im winning a lot with CM @ 5k

i buy courier, 2 obs, sentry - give offlaner ward and place ward mid

then buy 2 sets of tangos (6 total but give 2 to mid) and either a salve or 2 branches depending on how didficult the lane might be

skill frost nova level 1 and just use it on the offlaner a bunch to harass (try to not hit creeps to push lane) it slows them for a while and slows attack speed so u can trade

from there i max aura first and get a point in frost bite (W) at level 4

so my skill build at level 5 is 1-1-3

depending on the other teams heroes i may or may not bother skilling ult some games. like if ur fighting a lot and u cant get near i just max Q but if theres a chance u might get a good ult or maybe ur not fighting so u could push a wave or something id take ult

i just buy every ward and get tranqs + wand then normally a magical invisibility cloak

also try to not use your TP and just walk places during lulls of fighting so if someone gets gone on u can TP there

try that or somehing

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I see people buying midas on cm shit is hilarious

Someone teach me how to DotA these days.


basically denies only give the enemy 25% of the exp and give you 25% of the exp so if you win the lane you’ll be 5 levels ahead of them at like 10 minutes into the game


Holy shit you get deny xp

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Shit's Going Very well Dota-wise

that abandon tho xd

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Pick strong heroes and run at them better than they run at u

Good offlaners are dual lanes with axe/sk/pango/tide/cent whatever. You can pick like wr or sky and sit in lane and harass the enemy carry.

Mid is back to 1v1 so make sure u get a good matchup with last pick or know what ur laning against.

Safelanes probably the hardest shit since ur gonna have some tanky hero + a support running at u. But if u pick accordingly u might be ok. Spec is pretty strong right now since you can rush radiance and be everywhere.

Everything feels pretty situational now instead of those 1 or 2 core heroes you can pick every game regardless of their picks i.e. 6.83 sniper or ti4 auto-win leshrac

supports fun too you can go CM/Lion/wd/shadow shaman/jakiro and be ok in most games. Pudge is a crazy 4 with max range level 1 hook.

Tree seems to be like a more useful riki. U set up deep ganks in their jungle with guise + u have tree armor/leech seed/ult to be annoying as shit

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safelane is definitely the most obnoxious shit right now, i just tried getting back into it and the dual lanes meta is really fucking with me


i’m still trying to figure out what the best shit is to deal with it. right now i’m just trying to go hero by hero. if they pick axe i get ursa. if they go pango i grab bloodseeker. arteezy is spamming drow right now but i’d take pro picks with a grain of salt since they can probably get away with shit we can’t since they’re better. i think mason is spamming weaver as well. i have had some success with clinkz and razor.

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my theory right now is that whatever team is able to divert the most attention away from their carry in the form of cheese mids or just winning other lanes will win.

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like if ur mid is a broodmother and ur enemy team is forced to deal with a broodmother attacking their t2 tower at 12 minutes then ur gonna have a good time on ur safelane hero

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My party mmr is low so I can play tier 6 bcup and now I’m afraid to solo calibrate and lose that so I don’t play dota

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I stopped playing for 3 months started again about a week ago, calibrated to legend 3.

I can’t play pos 1 or 2 anymore. I’m legit herald when it comes to playing pos 1 and 2 lol. The majority of my losses come from nobody else on my team playing pos 1 or 2 and forcing me to go mid or safelane carry.

The real issue is that I play pos 3 and 4 in over 80% of my games and the playstyle is so dramatically different that I’m not used to it. I also don’t want to take the time to practice and get good at pos 1/2, I don’t enjoy it at all also my mechanical skills suck now for laning mid. Don’t plan on getting good.

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Looks like im the best player on this website

timado posts here xd

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Uncalibrated here

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just won 7 games in a row ama

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grats what heroes u playin

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ember fun as hell tbh

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