ember will always be my favorite hero in dota next to timber
timbers miserable to play right now. i remember i heard a caster call him a “networth piñata”. like even if u get a good lead u die to most heroes right now and ur bloodstone feels useless if u die once and he cant push highground for shit.
yeah i miss playing 6.88 timber :/
Ok what the FUCK
one of those sky games was a -37 btw. the mid player on our team was in a really bad mood and ran down mid/stopped trying at 20 mins
I wanna figure out how to incorporate posts like these into the Strategy forum.
what about the post feels like strategy to you? is it the heroes i’m winning with/losing with? or the dude running down mid and dealing with that shit?
just queue with chinese as your second language if you’re in na
or if you can queue on eu, the mmr is super inflated there and eu mmr is like na mmr +1000
idk how/why you chain queue games like that
it’s the best
playing that many games in a row even when i liked dota seemed excruciatingly painful
my dotas been going well. atos +Nomicon 3 sniper is EASY MMR
do you guys believe in hidden pool
slithereen sure did xd
I mean strategy is a strong word but that stuff seems like good advice and referencing good advice in one location would be good for people like me. I would only bother to play if someone told me what the fuck to do in this current patch lol
Maybe I could make a general advice thread and quote your post there.
i peaked at rank 200 and then lost interest talents really made this game atrocious
Rank 200 NA is like 4.7k right?
I actually really like talents for the most part. I think that my biggest complaints are some of the overall playstyles of heroes. I’d say heroes like Broodmother, Tinker, Techies & PL are all fairly objectively funsucking heroes that, as they are, are either entirely worthless in games or the most miserable shit ever
i feel like theyve always been funsuckers. At least brood and techies for sure
Yeah that’s my point - it isn’t really about their balance it’s just about how their design is. Their design makes it so that those heroes will always be miserably cancer if they’re pickable in the least.