Huber Learns Language - Arabic

Of my bag?

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Ask her if she wants to teach young long hair American Arabic

She is my bae

Huber this is why the arab men don't want you conversing with their concubines.

The 50 year old? Because I aint talking to the sister lmao

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Okay maybe later

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So my move back to the US was a way bigger ordeal than I thought and that really botched up everything. I still think I got pretty far for only a few weeks. I think the key to not getting bored of highly inflected languages like this is to just ignore everything but the 1st person and 2nd person forms of all grammar. That way you can jump into conversations with people and learn that way instead of keeping your head in a book for months before anything resembling a conversation. I was able to have like 5 minute conversations before having to turn to English with the Arabic speakers I met

The PRC's Chinese exam is coming up and I think I am going to study a bit and take it. Tired of being told Chinese is hard. It isnt hard at all. Gunna get that little certification to show it.