i came back to mm after 2 years today

i bet it was right around the time noblewingz took my side

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im going to keep posting btw just so ur aware, cuz i know ur aware of them and ur trying to ignore me now that u bot hlook like certifiable fuckign inbred cocksuckers

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okay i think thats the last talk of teh day not sure tho im gonna stay up cuz i dont wanna fuck my sleep schedule for work. ill be in grants stream :slight_smile:

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Guess The Silence Of The Lambs, Truly Does Speak Volumes, Afterallā€¦

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honestly i just hope future readers laugh as hard as i am rn

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nad guess what F A G G O T S nothing ever goes away on the interrnet id recommend changing ur names soon so this all blows over and u become nobodies again and can start all over. cunts.

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be a man and admit you were wrong for once in your miserable fuckign life. sack up you little faggot. i promise i will drop/take back everything and move on, you can even stop by the stream and i may teach ya a little somethin! ;)

alright theres the cherry on top back to watching dota

ill even throw u sad cunts a little bone, show in a verifiable way, at the very least, that i am not at least reasonably good at this videogame known as Defence of the Acncients the Second

then i will make a video of me eating dog poop for u master

wonder how fuckign disappointed you peopleā€™s parents must be in you. im so gdo damn glad i wasnt raised that way

also again for the record i am super not of sound mind right now (again insanely easy to prove) and yeah im sorta just having fun with the special ed folks. i dont wanna go sleep cuz itll ruin my sleep schedule for work (could prolly work it but a PITA)

and again i want to spam posts so mr witty here can get combo breakerā€™d whenever his pea-brain thinks up something worth posting

i count this as 23 C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-0C-C-C-C-C-C-0C0C-09C-0C-C-C-C-CP-CC-C-CPCOMBO BREAKER

feel free to verify fellow dota players (WHAT A SHIT GAME, LOL, RIGHT?!)

Great work generating me money, now hit the showers and come back when youve got some sleep

I have no idea whats going on but i dont think anyone makes good posts when theyre sleep deprived

this thread is :fire::fire::fire:

i dunno i think these have been mostly good tbh, ive tried multiple times to take the high road but he outright refuses so i just string him along like i said

im gonna have to give the first portion of the thread to nmagane, he perfectly executed his win condition