i came back to mm after 2 years today

i dont like to tilt/flame w.e these days but like cmon look at these dudes man

I didn’t believe it had the potential but this thread really got there


i know i may have a rep with some for temper stuff but 2 be fair it was like 3-4 years ago when i had those problems

(or more)

we need more lokis on this site for sure

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glad 2 have u back

This was the one for me

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i wish mason was streaming

i wish mason was postinf

invite mason to post

I enjoy watching mason bark at his teammates

ya mason stream is a top 3 for me these days that dude knows what hes doing

im always in there and grants so feel free to say high :slight_smile:

only problem with masons stream is that the last time i played the game for more than three months was when ranked was first released


dota was a lot more fun before ranked ladder tbh i loved playing in 5 stacks

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i just keep re-reading these threads and finding new favorite parts of it honestly, half if it is a blur

current favorite: http://prntscr.com/mh4sf1

F I V E Y E A R S ! ~! ~! ~ ! ! ~ ~! W O WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

yea tbh mason says some incorrect shit sometimes about support/5 role but its ok hes the man


and wintermule is right when he said this

teh other day he was flaming a support for wanting movespeed for example which is like super good in some lanes (including teh onehe was in). movespeed is super super crucial to support heroes for positioning which is a super super crucial part of the game as a support or even offlaner (cores too!~!~!)

again i love mason just no1 is perfect :blush: