i came back to mm after 2 years today

? for the record id like to state that i have verifiable proof that im not a piece of shit with the grant thing and im gonna steam msg him about it after his stream rn (dont want to interrupt his thing ofc)

What is going on here

also ill just outright ask if you have any verifiable proof that im some awful nobody idiot dota player like you continue to fuckign incessantly insinuate despite all the proof being thrown into ur buck toothed pimple-smeared fuckign faces that u 2 little cum stains are incorrect in this one situation and be enough of a man to admit it

How did u actually take all of this seriously lmao

Relax - it will all be fine

im gonna be here for at least half an hour
i got nothign else to do today.
feel free to send a real response instead of some stupid strawman or other shitty logical fallacy

or u can apologize and we can drop this like fuckign remotely civilized human beings, you human anus




dude im not nearly of sound enough mind for u stooges right now im laughign way too god damn hard

i hope my vods get saved too so u have 6 hours of me owning and clearly being worthy of streaming


XDxxdxdddd theres the meme 4chan picture

not a real argument try again plz sir

What are we arguing about and what are you talking about 4chan for?

alright yea the brick wall has come back up back to watching grants stream. i had fun while it lasted

see i can do this too Lol Haha

god u just get pwned like over and over i cnat stop laughing man

ive played 34 games of dota in 2 days and im on 30+ hours of no sleep and ur jsut gettign insanely outwitted and im loving every minute of it

also im not sober at all again to re-state for future proof (also easily provable)

also i work full time which im sure u know absolutely nothign about (again easily provable)

feel free to stop me at any time with another one of ur brilliant retorts, either of u, Please! :slight_smile:

i wonder at what point in ur life of dicksucking you realized you were in the wrong here, i only wish i couldve seen/heard your smug smirks/laughs as you reacted to my post despite how fuckign ignorant u were to the entire situation. u jsut wanted to be FIRST ONE TO DO IT FOR MY EDGY FRIENDS ON MY EDGY WEBSITE HAH! VALVE = JEWS! !~!~!!~!!~!~~!!~!!~!`!!~!

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