i came back to mm after 2 years today

was that yesterday night?

or during his day stream

yeah the days of 5 stacks were super fun there is definitely no denying that AnD doNt fuKcIn @ mE HAAAHAaha



sorry im sorta half here, gonna be that way all day. i promise im not a psycho everybody :)

is this a jones alt?

dont wanna ruin my sleep schedule so uhh yea

i super agree ranked killed dota for me more or less.

anyway great dota happening on grants stream all day, get ur asses over there

? ive pondered this thread and have a genius ass thing to tell all yall young whippersnapper kkona ass na dota brother players. stop idolizign good players so fuckign much to the point where u think it’s end-all be-ball that u or them (rtz, mason, crit, whoever man) is always right and u cant possibly be correct about osmething. its al oser ass mentality not only for dota but also for life. its crazy how different ppl treated me when i was uncalibrated vs when i actually got a rank (600 or so) ive played with/against players of similar calibre to that so hopefully i dont sound too god damn stupid right now but i think that paragraph made sense anyway i guess well see

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of COURSE i idolize great players like the ones i listed but god damn, try to compete with them, not suck their wanger while you vomit all over your keyboard in an attempt to play dota 2

Old nadota was always about sucking wanger of people who played video games good

As if some sad cynical fuck with 7000 hours in dota 2 is going to somehow have a more intelligent, enlightened view of politics

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wb loki

Theres virtually no difference in going door to door shaking hands of different citizens to develop a solid empathetic wotld view and solo queueing. This is why jacky mao is so woke

Oh wow good point

does ee still play dota?

does he still view himself as an anime characetr

I don’t think ranked ladders are a bad thing, its just unfortunate that team laddering is basically fucking worthless

yeah i dont think its inherently bad but i think its bad when the ranked ladder is the only place where good players play.

pre rmm it felt like in my (hidden) mmr bracket it was like 5 stacks vs either a 5 stack or a 3 and a 2 and people were trying somewhat hard but werent super playing to win despite being good unless you were like beesa or w/e.

idk it was just a diferent vibe i feel like the 'good players kinda fucking around' vibe was killed entirely which is probably better for some people and worse for others.

how shit now this is :eyes: i look like a moron compared to this beauty of a sentence