i came back to mm after 2 years today

ranked ladders arent bad at all but 5 stacks also had a lot of appear for sure

oh hey nice posts

the last main patch was horrendous idk if this minipatch fixed it or what but im just csgoing and poeing and apex predatoring instead of dota until game becomes better

Solo q ruined the team aspect of dota

The game has gone downhill ever since

honestly ur not all wrong, solo q solely mindset does such balls and 5 stacks used to be better, but the currrent system definitely has some pros. tbh i dont know how there possibly isnt some esea - like client for dota where you just have pepople that you know at least wont run down mid by now

like i dont care ur skill level at all, i just want u to not decide to ruin my time and videogame by breaking items or running down mid or whatever

speaking of dota psycholgy - i had 2 naixes go midas first

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suck balls lmao

maybe entrepeneursihip to think of in the future :thinking:

also i want my chat to be a VisLaud chat ty that emote is great

i said id name names earlier - i dont mind at all playing with the froogoss’s and monkeys forevers and alienmanabanana’s of the world (hope that doesnt come off too mean) but its just annoying to spend 25 minutes owning and having some little faggot waste your time cuz the poor thing died or couldnt get some sort of farm or something

Why’s you compare forgoes with those two

Also end was a fun to watch team

Hey Loki_57 or what ever u used to call yourself, can we get some of those names named? I need to know where I stand (assuming I even get named).

did i not just do that. only big standout from yesterday is yoda <3 jasmine and https://www.dotabuff.com/players/173579458 are both trash

yoda legitimately screamed on his mic like a fuckign child about me having the audacity, no, the TEMERITY to think that tide tusk could beat lich slark bot. then acted like i was such a fucking moron for trying to even kill bot (again even tho we had firstblood before runes) he acted like that lane was just impossible ROFL. also he screamed like a baby and then when i mention Jasmine, he says cmon we are men why u bring woman into this. i say guess what faggot if you cry like baby and scream into ur headset then u are not a man now eat my hair asshole and play the videogame

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god damn ranting is fun

the match in question if ur interested

i shoulda been 10-0 with phase double bracer vlads wand at 10 mins

and whats his face mister kunkka (aka one of the many morons playing dota right now that think theyre hot shit because theyre the 600th ranked player in NA in a time where abosolutely nobody fuckign cares. all this despite the fact that i was most likely going to be one of the first 8ks which i bet many respectable names would verify

like the last few days its crazy how many people act like "DUDE odnt u KNOW hes the fucking 143RD BEST PLAYER IN NORTH AMERICA MAN?!?!?! U SEE HIS NUMBER?? HOW CAN HE EVER BE WRONG !~!~!~!~!~!!???!~!?

ALSO if i see one more pussy motherfuckign tidehunter not get a vlads or some form of lifesteal i will scream

while im spewing all this nonesense i may as well admit that back in the day i thought noblewingz was indeed totally fuckin dumb but i wish i had his self confidence back in the day