i came back to mm after 2 years today

(4-5 hours at least)

someones a glutton for punishment xd figured u were gone after the combo breaker Super Sick Combo

Epic Win Xd

seriously dude just grow a pair and write the words “i am sorry” and this will all be over for u

this is me teaching u dumbasses about dota too btw

and apparently life LMAO what is all this nonsense i typed yesterday

i was in some kinda god damn fuge state. anyway come watch some replay stuff - live in 20 mins or so :blush:

i was also talking with some associates (aka louis who is the fucking man) and will try a different format today. gonna do about 2-3 replays and then play 1 or 2 games to kinda drive home points i talk about in the replays

maybe my two best namafia friends here would like to come watch and judge how good i am xD

This is what 60 hours of dota/dealing with dota players does to a man (also facecam preview xd)

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btw i mgith end up being another hour or so - really sorry for the delay but gotta get a couple things sorted out before i dive in for the day

also im usually more tan but ya know how living in fuckign olympia goes im sure lmfao

wow you look a lot like this luigi main from socal named rofl

thats dope because luigi mains are by default some of the dopest motherfuckers on the planet. i wish i was better at melee TBH i bet i could be fairly ownage but its just too cumbersome to get it all setup and find games n shit. like if melee hd came out with proper matchmakign i might never play dota again 4Head

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infact the coolest shit that could come from me streaming is getting to teach melee players like leff and plup that are already doper at dota than they have any business being cuz theyre just all around god gamers

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Yeah man I’m in West Seattle

ain’t white ain’t right brother

oh theres good melee netplay on ur computer now play melee iwth me if ur west coast

but yea its not the same as dota matchmaking QQ