i came back to mm after 2 years today

also all my times will always be west coast

will be a pretty chill night stream, some commentary w replay analysis ideally and maybe i play a game or 2 depending on what everyones feelin

also ill mod anyone that explains the impact of that screenshot i just posted and why it proves what i was talkin about :slight_smile:

too bad dotabuff doesnt show dmg taken i bet i took like 20k more at least too

With/without glasses lol I look better without I think I guess

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U May notice me trying really to not smirk cuz i can’t take myself seriously lookin like this with the Stach lmao

also i think im done for tonight, ill usually do a later stream but im p tired today and gotta do a few things anyway. gn lads :slight_smile: u will see plenty of me in the near future

last thing - i know a few people might know me for being uhhhhhhhhhhh notorious we’ll say as far as how nice i am in-game. it was 4 years ago and i think ive improved it a lot :slight_smile:maybe some that know me can attest. have a good night

ROFL OK who do i thank for this wonderful clip


? i did murder that verse too and that verse pwns

hi loki

Hey :blush:

just FYI guys the uh “stream schedule” for now i guess is that im gonna take today off - been pulling some weird hours and been dealing with some… well really weird people. (one of the funny parts of dota - u meet idiots and degenerates from all over the world :) ) i might stream late tonight for some replay analysis if yall want but otherwise im gonna chill and play some apex with some buddies so yea tune in tomorrow or late tonight :slight_smile:

You look better without but a better style/frame might do you good

yea ive definitely considered that before, too tough to make a decision though lmao

idk still getting some jdance vibes here

also idea for new #FAZEUP #FAZECLAN team… me bigbadbird boris ccnc mason??? anybody hello??


lmfao i am all fine senor pepper i promise. just really need some rest for now lol

Hes kinda like jdance but he seems a bit better adjusted atleast. Unprompted selfie posting is super jdance of him tho lmao

Ur a breath of fresh air tho bud thanks for having fun with the site and trying to have some informative discussions