i came back to mm after 2 years today

Im scrub tier again so any opportunity to glean useful(?) game knowledge on stuff i play while i got time to be on the forums a big plus for me.

Yeah absolutely Iā€™ll post a bunch and of course stream a bunch about random dota shit, feel free to post any questions about me or the games or my ā€œcomp dotaā€ career or whatever :blush:

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Now maybe u can get u know who to get off my nutsack and we will be all good to go lmao

Also the selfie thing was mostly just cuz I plan on being in front of a webcam a whole bunch soon anyway so why not

If its the guy wirh the spitwad avatar yoy arent the only one. Ill just let that tie itself up in a nice little bow. Im trying not to make the same mistakes nadota did where staff was always overactive as shit when it came to handing out punishment

Perfect Iā€™m totally down with that, just if it keeps happening toss him a warning or message or whatever it is u do these days haha

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I mean I gave the dude at least 15 chances to squash the beef and move on but he didnā€™t take any of them lmao

Yeah hes quite the persistent lil guy

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Stubborn ass dumbass core player ass dota players smhā€¦

Ya I admire the tenacity I canā€™t lie about that much

Like I had a bunch of errands to do today and I canā€™t do any cuz I wanna make sure shit is set the way itā€™s supposed to be lmao

Gotta have my groceries delivered now cuz this little pissant couldnā€™t ever leave me alone

Ok done! Lmao

Also Iā€™ll totally take ā€œdark nyteā€ as my poster flair thing lmfao

This is 400 posts on the thread in like 3 days man so weird

wait until you learn of jdance

he burned too bright for us

Lmfao Iā€™m excited for that especially if Iā€™m reminiscent of him

you dont want to be trust me, i think he just meant ur speed-posting reminded him of you. he got top posts after like 3 weeks on the website, the guy was insane

pretty sure jdance is the only person to get perma-banned/driven off from here

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