i came back to mm after 2 years today

Well that explains his obsession with dota.

Itā€™s like you are just so incapable of comprehending that you could possibly be wrong in any situation ever

Literally all you have to do is grow a sack man up apologize and this all blows over for u ;)

You work for valve.

Then we can go have a pint down at the winchester or whatever that shitty meme is

Correct! I actually used to!

Nice I got my flair tyty

Flair? This isnā€™t reddit.

Again before the peanut gallery says anything I beta tested from 2009-2011 and again from 2013-2017 (no association with them anymore of course this is all my own stuff here)

Lmfao look at you desperately picking at my posts for a decent response itā€™s getting sad again

U USE REDDIT??! Like ALL THE OTHER MORONS ON THIS WORTBLESS SPECK OF DUST OF A PLANET!!?!? U ARE obviously fucking way stupider than I ever could be!!!ā€™


ROFL ty sir

Thereā€™s literally an employee at valve spamming his game around the forum and Epok just sits back - hands in pockets - "sounds good - sounds good - sounds good "

Also I appreciate youvblotting out my name but not neccary my full name is Michael Jon Hoeft :) I am half German and half Greek from good ole rural northern Illinois

ā€œLooks good to meā€ - Epok "Lot going on in my life right now) Plays games.

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Explains how he didnā€™t even flinch and completely ignored it when I said that Valve have more psychologists than devsā€¦


Seriously dude just apologize this is so sad

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Thereā€™s obviously problems I have outside dota just let this one go and apologize