i came back to mm after 2 years today

So ya these first 600 posts are pretty much me in a nutshell ROFL if anyone ever checks this out in the future

Btw that quote applies super fucking hard to both dota and general life problems you may be having right now. Just stick it out man youā€™ll get thru it I promise

Iā€™m doing quite good right now but Iā€™m still young (21).

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Iā€™ll take pictures of my apartment? I guess? Or my car thatā€™s entirely paid off :face_with_raised_eyebrow: or are we good mr whatā€™s his face

Ah yes wintermute I keep forgetting your shitty generic name


Are we all good buddy? Am I still a BIg Fat Phony? :slight_smile:

It gets better man I promise, early 20s get hyped up a bunch but they kinda fuckkng suck if weā€™re bekng honest


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Yes call for help I would too

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I understand that youā€™re following the Plan B - the cyanide pill so to speak, but itā€™s not working out.

Anyway any questions about me or mostly any questions about beta testing stuff or just dota feel free tonight :slight_smile:

Sssssssigh. Honestly man I really do feel bad for you. Iā€™ve been in ur spot before fwiw

At least u sorta took the high road and didnā€™t make fun of the fact that I was almost no longer a part of this earth like 4 years ago

Whatever I wish ya all the best lmao most of you are alright dudes

Trying to play the pity card - did they teach you this at the Valve Social Technique meetings? Get out.

Good riddance.

ROFL jeez man like seriously ur a sad dude seek some help please

See how bold you got when you thought you might be able to turn people against me with the state Id thing

Like thatā€™s genuinely sad dude please seek professional help I donā€™t say that lightly cuz I literally already have

Iā€™ll take a fucking picture of the script dudeā€¦