i came back to mm after 2 years today

No, I’m not going to turn people against you because they never were with you in the first place. I’ve said it countless times. You’re extremely transparent, and now even more so.

Welp again, I tried. Unfortunately a big step in this whole process is that you can’t help people that don’t want help

It gets better man I promise it really does…

Also yes I’m aware my mothers old address is in that script

Well here it is this is just about everything about me as a human being in this thread

Tbh I should thank u cuz it’s easily digestible material for hopefully future viewers

Literally all I want is to teach people about dota, especially offlane and support which is a role that doesn’t have much content or streamers in general. So come learn with me and we’ll have some fun along the way :slight_smile:


Number 1 ideal thing that comes from this is an esea-like pub league where the only skill requirement is that you don’t outright ruin games by walking down mid or breaking ur god damn items

It can be rd or ap, both way better than cm for leagues imo

And maybe some of y’all will help make that happen :slight_smile:

It’s just crazy like the number one thing people say about dota is that they hate the people that play it and not the game

Well this thread is good proof of that LMAO

But why not an ap/rd casual league that’s broken up by mmr somehow? Just so less people don’t have their time wasted if nothing else lol

Worst thing in dota is when you own for 20 mins and some Whiney bitch slark picker (or wintermute) loses sanity and breaks their items so I lose

So uhhhh yeah come tune in tonight nerds :slight_smile:

Valve low on budget? Need to make some twitch money to balance it out?

Dude these guys know you by name and are telling you to stop. It’s okay to lose sometimes man that’s just life (and dota! ;)

What? Are you talking to us or yourself?

ur really dumb if u think hes here on valve’s dime to promote the game to 10 people who valve probably would rather be banned from dota than playing it.