i came back to mm after 2 years today

It’s very obvious that was an underhanded joke - he’s already proven that he no longer works at valve.

But that joke has a point; nothing he says or does no longer holds any value, no longer can be trusted.

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I might as well prove that I’m the size I say I am too cuz why the hell not I guess. I will do most of the talking and alaysis and shit on stream, just would like some interaction from yall

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This was for a former squeeze if yo must know lmao

Pro tip about people that work out: if they say they have no pictures of themselves they’re either fucking liars or don’t work hard enough while there

These pics were about 3-5 years ago and I’m roughly the same size rn (I usually take a month or so off for the holidays)

You are not getting a single viewer from this site. How do you still not get this?


Oh jeez here comes our friend am I just a Dumb Meat Head now?

I dumb U smart


Because, again, not everyone that plays dota is some no life loser I just really find it super fun and engaging

Unfortunately the people (wintermute) are usually the worst part so once you can deal with them and dumbass situations then tbh dota is awesome and super fun

I had a 5 role random ass Russian necro in one of my games the other day, he was sucking so I told him what he needed to do to win (I usually don’t micromanage but I’ll call shit I know is right)

Also I was only in college for like 3 years and most of that was community college. Don’t get into 80k of debt at age 21 unless you really have to or if it’s for a job/career that will actually be lucrative

I’m not American so our colleges do not plunge us into debt.

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Not a slight towards americans by the way - I have american friends.

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but ya me and that necro became good friends were just ducking around on our headsets rofl. Woulda been so easy to cry and piss and moan about a 5 necro (p sure 2 of my teammates did)

Last thing, my last name is pronounced hayft- apparently some weird German dialect thing makes the oe make a long A sound