i came back to mm after 2 years today

relax dumbass its all in good fun

its fuckin thursday night and ur not at work or doing shit u dont wanna do have a little fun u cocksuckers ROFL

if there is 1 thing on this earthly plane i know its people for the record, i believe ive demonstrated that

lots of years of sports, work, athletic bullshit, being a band geek, playing videogames and making friends thru that, etc

which is why i insult people that havent had a real job the way i did man that shit teaches you so many life lessons

this little bitch wintercunt never worked a real job - he inherited a “land lord” “type” position from his father’s company, so im sure u can imagine his work ethic 4Head

LOL donates 500 bucks while grant is afk taking a piss? WTF?


More to come i Promise :blush:

inside information dumbasses around the horn dumbasses

honeslty im so happy right now - gonna have such a great fucking story to use for when people first hear my name Xd thanks wintercunt


for the record ive received AT LEASt 10 private twitch PMs or invites from people i have never met wanting me to die for daring to insult the fantastiC WONDERFUL EUROPEAN UNION FUCKIGN OMEGALUL

its just funny so many people have so little going on cuz they just sit around their house all motherfucking day for 12+ hours and then wonder why theyre like sad and depressed and shit. i dont mean to trivialize the mental illnesses that are ou there cuz i did have one but i also had many things handed to me a nda lot f family support thruouhgt the way. i know a lot of people dont have that - so thats why i wanna take advantage of what i was given - and try to improve my favorite game in the process

@lokimafialolhaha you just keep doing you. :+1:

will do :blush:

so ive been thinking, if nothing else out of what i offer to you guys, youll learn a little about useful life shit and have a lot of fun while learning about my favorite video game come tune in and ask me about anything including beta testing (up to an extent of course i did have an NDA on that contract i signed lol)

and i can sorta be an “ambassador” or w.e so players can connect with their fans…? maybe something like that…? still a work in progress lol i think i know social engineering well enough but we will see

im gonna shamelessly name drop:

if any of you are fans of: rtz,mason, eagle, boris, jubei, ixmike, timado, sammyboy, or like similar caliber of players post in here and maybe theyll answer a question or something? sounds pretty dope to me for all involved anyway