i came back to mm after 2 years today

lmfao ya u definitely did u little fucker

how about this - cuz incentive is good - first pro player to answer a question about a fan’s replay gets a nice big green anime mod sword =]

i dunno its crazy guys you’ll see what youre capable of when you have a little backbone and defend yourself a little and vent - its insanely cathartic im like wiped out after these streams ROFL

confidence is always key in life for any situation literally ever remember that be comfortable in ur own skin :blush:

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infact, this recent artifact E M B A R R A S S M E N T is low effort low creativity bullshit that doesnt deserve to exist - fucking support games that actually have grassroots scenes or people that in general show interest because why the fuck not - interest is always more posibility for adspace (to a reasonable extent ofc)

also wintercunt - incase you wonder where you went so desperately wrong here - nothing you said was like outright stupid dude im sure youve put ur time into dota but like, fuck ROFL. its okay to lose an exchange with another human being that youll likely never meet unless youre such an antagonistic little fuckwad that its impossible to not marshall mathers u at the FUCKIGN end of 8 mile you repeatedly while you desperately clawed at any little morsel to grab to use against me Xd

im so absolutely down with an energizer bunny-related emote as one of my first ones ROFL shoot me some ideas if ur remotely artistic at all aka 40 times more artistic than i can ever hope to be (drawing/writing anyway lol)

all of this aside i have some of the worst chickenscratch chickenshit handwriting youll ever see ROFL

like uhhh 8th grade level or so rofl

also i never even mentioned you could have literally waited an hour or googled loki dota 2 or anything like that and probably find who i was in like 5 minutes if ur remotely competent but after this display…

like literally i bet someone could find me with youtube google or dotabuff if they put loki dota 2 and go from there lmao

well especially now thanks to wintercunt but like even before any of these shenanigans

but yea like im just some regular ass dude u can do the same thing if you make like 35k+ a year cuz thats about my range so yea just dont be a piece of shit spend 200 dollars on your favorite streamer instead of dota pixels and the world will be better all around

oh yeah as far as how to get good at like anything in life ever (especially as a total beginner) is to just do it a lot i played like a fucking stupid amount of apem, ardm, and fuckign tda games when i was like 12-14 but because ip layed so much i got the like muscle memory and game sense and shit like that. dont underestimate how much itll help (at anything really)

Real people don't spend money on streamers or Dota cosmetics.
Another poor attempt at getting people to donate to you.

Hahaha - taking him a while to write that one!

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also common problem i hear that i feel strongly about: going to the gym is definitely super duper intimidating at first but you’d be super super surprised how many people either dont care that you’re there (cuz theyre so focused on themselves) or would be really eager how to show you the like proper way of doing a certain lift cuz A) its not easy ur gonna work ur ass off if u lift weights but i think it uhhhh “synergizes” really well with video game players if that makes any sense ROFL. seriously give weight lifting a serious try as a hobby for 6 months and see what that does for you. its like anything else… from there if you ike it keep going if not then branch into another hobby cuz A) you probably met people alon gthose 6 months and maybe “connected” with somebody! ;0 or B) youll be better at like, a lot of hobbies because if nothing else youre at least sorta strong an dlet me tell ya being really like, big or physcially opposing is sorta fun in certain definitely non psychotic non erotic ways. but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah thats my spiel

cringe collage for sure :slight_smile:

TIME !!!@?!?

INFACT i may have met a woman thru all this silliness that is like genuinely teh god damn woman of my dreams and if it goes the way i want it to youll see why soon ;)