i came back to mm after 2 years today

honestly just cuz im pwning ill extend it to noon just apologize dude you lost on move on with ur live dude be friends with the friends that know you by name lol

seriously give me a combo breaker 57 and somehow make that into an emote or on my sub banner (a la mango the kid the goat the buster) and ill be good to fuckin go rofl



cmon man tell me with a straight face thats not sick

or maybe im still in one of those fuge state things i keep becoming more familiar with recently

anyway… cereal go

yall got a Due Date of… 5 AM nice and even bright and early for normal hardworking functional adults :stuck_out_tongue:

because practice makes perfect =]

another life thing - sure being a 8-5 corporate work drone is shitty youre not a fucking genius because you think its shitty youre a fucking child because you think theres no reason to like contribute to society or do anything that does any good for anyone or anything on this literal miracle of a planet

of course answering tax questions about employment tax/unemployment insurance is fucking boring so i was at least just helping out people that are usually like genuinely invested in what they do they just arent good with numbers/tech/are old/etc so like helping them out with a potentially SUPER *fucking STUPIDLY FUCKING STUPIDLY FUJSIOFLHSEJKFGASREGHN ASGHANSGK,RASDGHNLASERGKLJRDSAMGHJKADRZSGNZRSMJHGNASRK,JGMHNRZSDKJMGSDRH NGJKRTSDM, GHN,RDJK,JGTMH.JNDRGK,JMRSD JH.SK,REJMGJHN,.SDRK,GJMSRDHJ.NGKL,JSDRMGJNSRDMK,.

OKAY deep breath :blush:

i saw so many tax bills in the hundreds of thousdands or millions being taxed to a dpt that could basically be automated and already has (lol hello customer service comast even fucking plays fake keyboard clicking so u at least know something is being done to help you now).

AND most of the huge tax bills were basically fuck-ups and being punished for being successful business that makes a lot of money and has lots of employees - oh fuck that IDIOT DURMPTKFT has been helping with that though!~!~!~!

surely a 70 year old real estate billionaire playboy reality tv sensation has no real life experience that he can utilize!

no usable skills like delegating or big projects or negotations or writing books that literally detail his life that ZHarDcorE DmeOCratS are too cool/smart to read

u know there are real unironic fucking human beings that thing