i came back to mm after 2 years today

He’s interacted with her

Even better

what is it about this website that attracts mental breakdowns

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because they keep getting banned from normal sites until they end up here

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I don’t think that is true

Was wondering the same thing honestly.
Place must be cursed or something.

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21 hours. Is he dead?

maybe he’s sleeping off his 3 days marathon of posting?

One can hope


maybe the police came back and shot him

In the manner he is expressing all over this website: yes.

Makes you wonder what the hell happened.

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I really hope he is ok. Unlike some other posters who post for whatever reason.

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yeah same here. has he streamed at all or been on steam???

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When I had mania it was at least three weeks before I touched a computer

I checked his stream and his reddit and he is afk.

Hope he is ok.

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not at the keyboard posting on reddit? im concerned for his wellbeing.

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Why does this sound so fucking fake

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Because it’s obviously a joke. There’s nothing wrong with someone being away from the internet, is what epok is saying.


I’m not a redditor so I don’t pick up on reddit humor but I got the impression that’s something he would be doing.

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